This page is a list of the modifications you may make to your radio that provide functions not normally provided by the manufacturer. A few of these modifications will allow you to operate outside of the Amateur Radio bands. I strongly urge that you not do that! The cost of type accepted radios has gone from over a thousand dollars for a hand held to under three hundred. If you have need of operating on the Public Service bands, GET A TYPE ACCEPTED RADIO and save our collective reputation (and potentially a LOT of money for yourself). Soap box mode off.
I have either used each of these mods or have received the information from a person that I trust, that has used these mods. The reason for this page - since eHam, QRZ, and many others have lengthy lists of modifications that cover far more radios, is to make available to my friends those mods I trust. I also find it apalling that you can spend so much time looking through SO many posts, only to find that you are in the wrong forum.
This list will NEVER be lengthy enough to even come close to the other sources.
Yaesu 857 and 897 60M mod (in case you don't want to use "softjump" above). Open the top cover (carefully). About two inches from the front of the radio and about one and one half inches from the left, you will find two rows of solder pads. Remove or add per the table below. When complete, reset the CPU twice to activate the change. Note: This will remove everything you have previously placed in the memories. REMEMBER TO LOWER YOUR POWER for 60M operation.
[X] | Solder Bridge | |
[X] | Solder Bridge | |
[X] | Solder Bridge | |
[O] | Open | |
[O] | Open | |
[D] | Diode from Factory | |
[O] | Open | |
[O] | Open | |
[O] | Open |